دور معلمي العلوم في زيادة الوعي البيئي لدى المتعلمين في ضوء متطلبات الاستدامة البيئية لرؤية المملكة العربية السعودية 2030


This study aimed to identify the role of science teachers in increasing the environmental awareness of learners’ in the light of the environmental sustainability requirements for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Vision 0202, in addition to revealing the effect of academic qualification and years of experience in teaching science on the average respondents' responses towards this role. To achieve this goal, the descriptive survey approach was used, a questionnaire was developed as a tool for data collection, and it was applied to (20) science teachers in government schools for the primary stage in the Samtah and Abu Arish Education Offices of the General Administration of Education in Jazan Region, representing (%11119) of the total study population. The study reached a number of results, the most important of which are: The role of science teachers in increasing the environmental awareness of learners’ in light of the environmental sustainability requirements of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Vision 0202 was achieved as a whole with a (medium degree), with a general mean of (06.2 out of 2), where the first field (the role of science teachers in increasing the environmental awareness of learners in the light of the environmental sustainability requirements of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Vision 0202 inside classroom) came in the first rank, with a mean of (06.0), and with a (medium degree), followed by the second field (the role of science teachers in increasing the environmental awareness of learners in the light of the environmental sustainability requirements of Vision 0202 outside the classroom), with a mean of (0622), and with a (low degree). Also, it was found that there is no effect of the educational qualification and years of experience in teaching science on the average respondents' responses regarding the role of science teachers in increasing environmental awareness among learners in light of the requirements of environmental sustainability for the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 0202. The study presented a number of recommendations and proposals, including the implementation of intensive training programs by the General Administration of Education in Jazan region to provide science teachers with the cognitive and teaching competencies necessary to play their role in increasing the environmental awareness of learners in light of the environmental sustainability requirements of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Vision 0202, and the science teachers’ interest in making additional efforts. To improve this role, whether inside or outside the classroom, including interest in self-professional development, and the exchange of experiences in the field of sustainable environmental education. (Published abstract)