درجة تطبيق الإدارة الذاتية للمدرسة في لواء البادية الشمالية الشرقية الصعوبات والحلول المقترحة كما يراها المديرون


The study aimed to identify the degree of implementation of school self-management in the northeastern Badia district: the difficulties and proposed solutions as seen by the principals, and to identify the impact of the variables (gender, educational qualification, and years of administrative experience) on that. The study population consisted of all school principals in the Northeastern Badia district. with a total of (172) male and female manager. The study sample was chosen by simple random method, and it consisted of (100) male and female managers. The study tool was designed in two parts: the first part (study variables), the second part was divided into two parts, the first part consists of two tools: the first is to reveal the application of self-management for the school, consisting of (44) paragraphs distributed over six areas, namely: (delegation of powers, student affairs and partnership with the local community, knowledge management, follow-up, accounting, and the material aspect) and the second to detect difficulties, consisting of (29) items distributed over three areas, namely: (administrative difficulties, technical difficulties, and material difficulties) The second section: Proposed solutions to the difficulties facing the implementation of school self-management. Signs of validity and stability have been extracted for them, and duplicates have been monitored for answers to the question: What are the proposed solutions to the difficulties facing the implementation of school self-management in the northeastern Badia district as seen by principals? The results of the study showed that the areas of application of school self-management came in a small total degree and for all fields, as they came in succession (partnership with the local community, knowledge management, student affairs, follow-up and accountability, delegation of powers, the financial aspect), as well as the areas of difficulties facing the application The self-management of the school in the northeastern Badia district as perceived by the principals to a large extent for all fields, as it came in succession (administrative difficulties, technical difficulties, material difficulties), and the results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the average answers of the study sample on the degree of application of management, The subjectivity of the school and the difficulties and solutions as perceived by the principals are attributed to the variables of gender, educational qualification, and years of administrative experience. The study recommended delegating more powers to school principals in the field, working to reduce difficulties for school principals with regard to administrative operations within the school, increasing financial allocations for schools, and opening channels of communication with parents. By holding seminars, conferences and workshops, with the need to benefit from their experiences in dealing with all the problems facing the school and building partnerships with the local community. (Author’s abstract)