درجة اشراكية كتاب لغتنا العربية للصف الثالث الأساسي في الأردن


The current study aimed to identify the degree of information in the Arabic language book for the third primary grade by answering its question: 1) What is the degree of basic information in the Arabic language book for the third primary grade through its educational material? 2) What is the degree of information related to the Arabic language book for the third primary grade, including drawings, shapes, and pictures? 3) What is the degree of the course from the Arabic language book for the third grade through activities? The researcher used the descriptive analytical method for its relevance to the current study, and used the (Rumi) method to determine the degree of involvement of the Arabic language book for third grade students in terms of scientific material, activities, images and forms. Education in Jordan, with a total of (188) pages, and the researcher chose the study component by random method from the pages of the book at a rate of (25%). From the total pages of the Arabic language book for the third grade, in its parts, the first and second chapters together, and with regard to the linguistic activities, all the activities were calculated, and their number was (17) linguistic activities. The agreement between the analysts reached (80%). The results showed that the degree of students’ involvement in the Arabic language book for the third primary grade equals (0.91) and this value falls within the range set by Romy, which is (0.4-1.5). The selected images and figures are equal to (1.4), and the results also showed that the inclusion coefficient of the activities in the Arabic language book in its two parts is equal to (0.09) and this value is not acceptable and is less than the minimum set by Romy for the coefficient of inclusion, which is (0.40). In light of the results, the researcher recommended increasing attention to the involvement of the Arabic language book for the third grade, especially the elements whose participation was unacceptable, and enriching the Arabic language book for the third grade with activities that challenge the student’s mind and stimulate his thinking in a balanced manner, while giving the sufficient and necessary knowledge for the student to carry out those activities, and training teachers The Arabic language on how to analyze the Arabic language book according to scientific bases, in order to know the extent of the ability of the Arabic language book to involve the student. (Author’s abstract)