مدى إسهام تدريبات وأسئلة كتب اللغة العربية المقررة بالحلقة الثانية من التعليم الأساسي بالجمهورية اليمنية في تنمية مهارات التفكير الإبداعي
The research aimed to introduce The Extent to which Exercises and Questions of Arabic Language Textbooks Designed for the Second Cycle of Basic Education in the Republic of Yemen Contribute to develop creative thinking skills educational year (2016-2017). To achieve the objectives of the research the researcher used the descriptive method. The researcher also prepared a list to analyze the exercises and Questions in the Arabic language textbooks of the second group of basic learning in the field of creative thinking skills. And compute congruity across the time. The result of the research: 1- to come to (28) skill subsidiary divided to (4)skills of creative thinking skills. 2- The exercises and questions in the Arabic language textbook of the sixth class contribute in developing fluency skill at a rate of (9.1%)and in the fifth class at a rate of(7.3%)and in the fourth class at a rate of (5 %) and in the whole three books at arate of (7.1%). 3- The exercises and questions in the Arabic language textbook of the fourth class contribute in developing flexibility skill at a rate of (5.7%) and in the fifth class at a rate of (4.7%) and in the sixth class at a rate of (2.8%) and in the whole three books at arate of (4.4%). 4- The exercises and questions in the Arabic language textbook of the fourth class contribute in developing Originality skill at a rate of (8.0%) and in the fifth class at arate of (4.2%) and in the sixth class at a rate of (3.2%) and in the whole three books at arate of (5.1%). 5- The exercises and questions in the Arabic language textbook of the fifth class contribute in developing Elaboration skill at a rate of (4.9%) and in the sixth class at arate of (3.9%) and in the fourth class at a rate of (3.6%) and in the whole three books at arate of (4.2%). The exercises and questions in the Arabic language textbook in developing creative thinking skills in the fourth class at a rate of (22.2%) and in the fifth class at arate of (21.2%) and in the fourth class at a rate of (20.8%) and in the whole three books at arate of (20.8%). (Author’s abstract)