أثر استخدام الرحلات المعرفية والبيت الدائري الإلكتروني في تدريس الفيزياء على تنمية التفكير البصري لدى طالبات الصف العاشر الأساسي في محافظة الكرك


This study aims to explore the influence of teaching physics using Web Quest and electronic Roundhouse on developing visual thinking for tenth-grade females. The study sample consisted of (68) female students divided into three groups, the first group consisted of (22) students who were taught using electronic Roundhouse, the second group consisted of (23) students who were taught using Web Quest, the control group, on the other hand, consisted of (23) students who were taught using a traditional method. The study employed two ways to understand the topic, namely educational materials, and Visual Thinking Development test. The validity and reliability were achieved. The findings showed that there is a statistically significant difference (α≤0.05) between the mean scores of the tenth-grade students on the Visual Thinking test due to the teaching method. Based on the findings of the study, the study recommended employing the strategies of cognitive trips and the electronic home in teaching physics. (Published abstract)