دور مجتمعات الممارسة المهنية لمعلمي المرحلة الإبتدائية في معالجة الفاقد التعليمي
The current study aimed to identify the impact of a proposed remedial program based on communities of professional practice for primary school teachers and its role in reducing educational losses among primary school students. Quantitative and qualitative tools simultaneously so that quantitative and qualitative data are collected simultaneously. The study tools included an achievement test and a questionnaire for parents of students. The study sample was chosen intentionally in one primary school by my language teachers in all classes who have educational losses, and their number was (46). The program was built and developed through the weekly meetings of the communities of professional practice for an entire semester. The results of the achievement test for the first and second grades showed that all skills obtained an average and a percentage in the skill level with a high percentage, where the first grade students in the achievement test obtained percentages in a highly achieved level that ranged between (83.33% and 98.21%), and it is clear that there is a discrepancy in the percentages of students’ mastery of skills in different classes, and the percentages of third, fourth and fifth grade students range between weak and highly achieved. As for the sixth grade, the students achieved a high level of achievement in all skills. The research recommends activating professional communities of practice; for its role in developing the professional work of the teacher and benefiting from the experiences of teachers in solving educational problems in the field. (Published abstract)