الضعف في حل المسائل الرياضية اللفظية لدى طلاب المرحلة الإبتدائية : أسبابه وعلاجه


The aim of the research is to define the reasons of the weakness of primary school students in solving verbal mathematical problems from the point of view of their teachers and to provide solutions to this weakness. To achieve the goals of the research, the analytical descriptive approach was followed, and the study sample consisted of (106) teachers of mathematics teachers in the primary stage in Qunfudhah governorate and was selected in a random manner. The questionnaire was used as a data collection tool to find out the reasons of weakness in verbal issues and the treatment. The results of the research showed a set of findings: the most important of which is that the reasons of weakness in solving verbal mathematical problems among primary school students were represented in the dimension of the reasons attached to the student as it came first with an average (4.21 out of 5), followed by the textbook-related causes dimension with an average (4.02 out of 5), followed by the teacher-related causes dimension with an average of (3.75 out of 5), followed by the causes dimension related to the nature of the verbal mathematical issue with an average (3.71 of 5). The results of the study also showed a set of solutions to address this weakness. In light of these results, the researcher presented some recommendations and proposals. (Published abstract)