الفروق في السيطرة الانتباهية والدافعية العقلية لدى الطلاب المتفوقين وغير المتفوقين أكاديميا في ضوء النوع الاجتماعي والتخصص الدراسي والمستوى الأكاديمي


The present study aimed to identify the differences between high and low academic achievers’ students in both attention control and mental motivation. Additionally, the contributions of different factors such as gender (male - female), academic specialization (scientific, medical, social, and humanitarian colleges), and academic levels (high - low) were examined. The study sample consisted of 340 male and female students from Sohag University (170 were low-achieving students), who were deliberately selected from a pool of students consists of 900 students who participated in the study, in which all of them were senior students, their ages ranged between 20 to 22 with an average of (20.78), and a standard deviation of (0.95). Current study used both attentional control test and mental motivation inventory (both translated and verified psychometric by the author). Results showed a statistically significant relationships between attentional control and mental motivation in students with high academic levels, while these relationships were absent for students with low academic levels. Whereas there are no differences were observed between the different disciplines of the study sample in attention control and mental motivation. Besides, differences between male and female in cognitive integration dimension in favor of female students. Additionally, this study revealed that mental motivation could be predicted attentional control between study samples. In conclusion, Attentional control and mental motivation are related to each other’s. (Published abstract)