كفاءة التمثيل المعرفي للمعلومات واستراتيجيات تنظيم الانفعال المعرفية وعلاقتهما بقلق التحدث أمام الآخرين لدى طالبات كلية التربية


The present study aimed at detecting the relationship between public speaking anxiety and both cognitive representation efficiency of information and cognitive emotion regulation strategies. Also, it uncovers the role of cognitive representation efficiency of information and cognitive emotion regulation strategies in influencing public speaking anxiety. In addition to, it determining the difference in public speaking anxiety with different specialization. The study sample included (107) female student in the fourth year of the Faculty of Education. The three questionnaires cognitive representation efficiency of information, cognitive emotion regulation strategies and public speaking anxiety (prepared by the current researcher) were applied on the current sample. Using t- test, Person correlation coefficient, partial correlation coefficient and multiple regression, the study reached: 1) There are no significant differences in the average dimensions of public speaking anxiety and its overall degree due to the influence of specialization. 2) There are negative statistically significant relationships between cognitive representation efficiency of information and public speaking anxiety. 3) There are positive statistically significant relationships between some cognitive emotion regulation strategies (Self-blame, Rumination, Catastrophizing, Blaming others) and public speaking anxiety. While there are no statistically significant correlations between the rest of cognitive emotion regulation strategies and public speaking anxiety. 4) Public speaking anxiety can be predicted through cognitive representation efficiency of information and cognitive emotion regulation strategy (Self-blame). (Published abstract)