إستخدام الأنفوجرافك في تدريس مقرر الرياضيات عند المسلمين وأثره في تنمية التحصيل (الآني والمؤجل) ومهارة تصميم العروض البصرية لدى طالبات الرياضيات بالكلية الجامعية بالقنفذة جامعة أم القرى


This research aims to unfold the impact of using infograph in teaching mathematics curriculum for Muslims on developing academic achievement (Present and delayed) and the skill of designing visuals among mathematics students at the university college of Al Gunfudha, Om Alqura University. The empirical method is applied to answer research question and verify its assumptions. The research sample consists of 60 students of level 5 at mathematics department. Students are divided into two groups (Experimental group and control group) each consists of 30 students registered in mathematics for Muslims curriculum during the first semester of the academic year (2019-2020). Experimental group are taught by infograph and they are trained to design infographic shows related to the curriculum. The research tools are: 1) Academic achievement test in the curriculum. 2) Assessment card for visual shows design skill. Research results are: 1) There is a statistical difference on level (0.05) between average grades of present postapplication of academic achievement test of experimental and control groups (Experimental Group Outperforms). 2) There is a statistical difference on level (0.05) between average grades of present and delayed post-application academic achievement test of control group. 3) There is not a statistical difference on level (0.05) between average grades of present and delayed post-application academic achievement test of experimental group. 4) There is a statistical difference on level (0.05) between average grades of experimental and control groups of assessment card for visual shows design skill (Experimental Group Outperforms). (Published abstract)