تصور مقترح لمقرر طرق التدريس النوعية قائم على أبعاد الإطار المعرفي التكنولوجي تيباك tpack لتنمية الأداءات التدريسية لدى الطلاب / المعلمين شعب التعليم الصناعي بكلية التربية، جامعة حلوان


The current research aims to develop the teaching performance of students/teachers, of the industrial education division at the Faculty of Education, Helwan University in the fourth year, by developing a proposed vision for the qualitative teaching methods course based on the dimensions of the technological knowledge framework TPACK”. The following procedures were followed: 1) Determining the research sample, which consisted of (35) students from the fourth-year students of the Industrial Education Division at the Faculty of Education Helwan University. 2) Conducting a content analysis of the reality of the qualitative teaching methods course for students/ teachers of the research sample. 3) Develop a list of the most appropriate teaching performances for the "research sample" for students Which included four (4) main teaching performances and fifty-two (52) sub-skills. 4) The researcher followed the descriptive, analytical and semi -experimental approach in designing the research tools, which consisted of testing the teaching performances, and a note card for the skillful teaching performances of the research sample students. Through the pre and post application of the research tools to the experimental group, the results showed the effectiveness of the proposed perception of the qualitative teaching methods course based on the dimensions of the technological knowledge framework "TPACK" In developing the teaching performance of students and teachers of the industrial education division at the Faculty of Education – Helwan University - and the researcher recommends applying the dimensions of TAPCK in all the courses of the educational preparation program for student teachers at the Faculty of Education, the people of industrial education. (Published abstract)