رأس المال النفسي وعلاقته بالتوجه نحو التفوق الرياضي لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية بدولة الكويت


The present research aimed to identify the level of psychological capital of high school students in the State of Kuwait. The level of attitude towards sports excellence among high school students in the State of Kuwait. The correlation between psychological capital and the attitude towards sports excellence. The researcher made use of the descriptive survey method taking into account its steps and procedures due to its relevance to the nature of the research. The research sample was chosen randomly consisting of (90) high school students in the State of Kuwait, and they were divided into (60) students to participate in the basic study, and (30) students from the research community and apart from the basic study sample to participate in the exploratory study. The most prominent results of the study revealed that the practice of any sporting activity from a psychological point of view needs many psychological requirements in order for the student to properly respond to the changing situations during the practice of sports activity. Individuals’ possession of positive psychological capital is affected by the individual’s environmental factors. The more appropriate cultural and social environment is available, the greater the individual’s ownership of positive psychological capital. There was a statistically significant correlation between psychological capital and the attitude towards sports excellence among secondary school students in the State of Kuwait. (Published abstract)