فاعلية استخدام مدخل التحليل الأخلاقي في تنمية بعض قيم المسئولية الاجتماعية ومهارات التعايش مع الآخر في مادة التاريخ لدى طلاب الصف الثاني الثانوي
The present paper aims at recognizing the effectiveness of using moral analysis approach to develop some values of social responsibility and skills of coexistence with the other in History among second secondary stage students. The researcher has followed a descriptive analytical approach as well as an experimental one. The results have shown the existence of a statistically proven difference between the average grades of students in both pre and post applications to test the values of social responsibility and skills of coexistence in favor of the post application. Moreover, the effectiveness of the modelling unit has been proven to develop the social responsibility and skills of coexistence among secondary stage students. According to these results, the researcher recommends History teachers to use the moral analysis approach in order to develop some values of social responsibility and skills of coexistence with the other in History among secondary stage students. (Published abstract)