مأسسة مكافحة الفساد في قطاع التعليم قبل الجامعي بمصر في ضوء الإفادة من خبرة بتسوانا


The issues tackled by this study evidently present themselves in the pre-university education sector in Egypt, despite many efforts made to combat them. Due to the multiplicity and overlapping of the Internal and External Anti-Corruption Institutions in Egypt in harnessed roles, several weaknesses in fighting corruption in all sectors are elucidated, especially in the pre-university education sector. Based upon the former, this study aims to develop a proposal to institutionalize the fight against corruption in preuniversity education in Egypt. This proposal was developed and incentivized by influence of the study of Botswana's experience, which has succeeded in fighting corruption in all sectors, and has been proven and internationally recognized for their efforts in fighting corruption in the pre-university education sector in particular. To achieve this, the study uses the Functional-Structural Approach of Comparative Studies, as it presents a theoretical framework of the nature of corruption and its types, effects and forms in the pre-university education sector and the efforts to combat it internationally. Afterwards, an analysis of Botswana's experience in the institutionalization of the fight against corruption in the pre-university education sector is displayed, followed by a theoretical analysis of Egypt's experience in combating corruption in pre-university education. Consequently, field study data was collected through interviews, with a sample size of 50 of those working at educational institutes, followed by a comparison between experiences of both Botswana and Egypt. Cultural similarities and differences between the two experiences were thoroughly investigated and presented. In light of the experiences of Botswana, and the results of the field study, a first draft of the suggested proposal was developed in order to institutionalize the fight against corruption in the pre-university education sector in Egypt. A number of 12 academics specialists in the educational field, and 15 employees of educational institutions in pre-university education, reviewed the draft of the suggested proposal, thus, the final version of the suggested proposal was presented, and recommended to be applied in Egypt. (Published abstract)