جودة تعليم النساء في عصر النبوة
The article aims to tackle the concept of the quality of women’s education in the prophethood era. The study problem lies in the fact that achieving educational quality isa global requirement, which requires the researchers to present Islamic mechanisms and practical models to achieve the quality in the Islamic educational field. It also aims to understand the real quality of education in Islam, revealing the quality of women’s education in the prophethood era in terms of: appearances, limitations, and implications. The study employs the inductive approach due to its relevance to the nature of the research. It concludes with a number of substantial results, the most important of which are: entirely achieving the quality of women’s education in the prophethood era includes the quality of the teacher and the learner, teaching methods and use of teaching aids. The quality of women’s education in Islam depends heavily on regulations that achieve the general Islamic goals of achieving complete servitude to Allah, developing Muslim women and obtaining their right to education. Muslim women fulfill the civilizational role assigned to them, preserving Muslim societies and spreading virtuous morals. Thus, the study recommends conducting field studies that assess educational quality rates of women according to Islamic foundations, treating the weaknesses through the quality of women's education in the Prophethood era. (Published abstract)