دور الفايسبوك في تشكيل الرأي العام حول الحراك الشعبي بالجزائر 2019 : دراسة ميدانية على عينة من طلبة الماستر لقسم علوم الاعلام والإتصال بالمسيلة


The aim of this study is to study the extent of the role of the Facebook platform in shaping the public opinion of the Algerian university student about the popular movement that started in Algeria since 22 February 2019 and its ability to raise awareness about the various activities. The study concluded that most of the students regularly use the Facebook platform through their smart phones, while half of them regularly followed during the activities of the popular movement 2019, And the most important motivation for the use of students to Facebook is to get access to the latest news and developments as the discussions on Facebook played a major role in forming some views on the issues that are traded in Facebook, which reinforced their convictions about the contents of popular movement 2019, which made students participate strongly in The activities of the popular movement 2019 through the invitations sent to them through Facebook, and Facebook has helped to form trends in support of various activities of the popular movement 2019 through exposure to various content communication. (Author’s abstract)