تعاطي المخدرات وعلاقته بالسلوك العدواني لدى تلاميذ المرحلة المتوسطة : دراسة ميدانية ببعض متوسطات بلدية المسيلة


Our study “Drug Abuse and its relation to the aggressive behavior of middleschool students” was aimed at: 1) Disclose the level of aggressive behavior of the study sample. 2) Reveal differences in aggressive behavior in the sample study by sex variable. 3) Detection of the underlying causes of drug abuse. 4) Identification of the effects of drug abuse on the appearance of aggression and the extent of its seriousness on the adolescent child. 5) Provide background information on drug abuse and aggressive behavior. 6) Focus on adolescence as an important stage of transition in an individual's life. 7) Knowledge of drug abuse in the emergence of aggression among adolescents. 8) Demonstrate how aggressive behavior affects adolescence. In order to achieve these goals, the average school student sample was selected, according to the random method. In this course, we relied on the analytical descriptive approach appropriate to the nature of the study, and in this study we relied on the method of random sample and the aggressive behavior measure was used as a setting: D. Amal Abdulsahi Al-Mweiji with a 41-phrase note. The student was unable to address them because of the critical conditions that our country is experiencing as a result of the 19 kVID pandemic and the preventive health measures related to the disease. (Author’s abstract)