برنامج قائم على معايير التفوق في اللغة العربية لتنمية المفاهيم اللغوية لدى التلاميذ الفائقين بالصف الثاني الإعدادي


This research aimed to develop linguistic concepts among outstanding students in the second grade of middle school, and the effect of using a program based on the criteria for excellence in the Arabic language in their development, and the research followed the experimental method, using the quasi-experimental design with one group, and the research group consisted of (25) students of the outstanding students in the second grade of middle school at Al Salam Preparatory School of the Abnoub educational administration in Assiut governorate, and the researchers used each of: the list of appropriate linguistic concepts for the superior students in the second grade of middle school, the list of standards for linguistic excellence suitable for the superior pupils in the second intermediate grade, and the linguistic concepts test for the superior students in the class the second preparatory program, the student’s book, and the teacher's guide for teaching in the program based on the criteria for excellence in the Arabic language in developing their linguistic concepts. The results of the research resulted in the effectiveness of the program based on the criteria for excellence in the Arabic language in developing linguistic concepts among outstanding students in the second grade of middle school, and the presence of a significant impact for the program based on the criteria for excellence in the Arabic language in Tanam linguistic concepts as the value of the impact size (0.96). (Published abstract)