التداخل المعرفي لدى طلبة الجامعة


Cognitive overlap is one of the most important variables at the present time and researchers in cognitive psychology are trying hard to understand the causes of this interference, which refers to a number of negative tensions of reactions to sensory stimuli and subjective reactions and cognitive interference is an indicator of a defect in one of the most important cognitive functions in the process cognitive organization influencing the process of processing information related to processing, retention and retrieval through the work of cognitive representations and symbols that help the individual to leave more mental space to gain a knowledge building that enables him to solve problems and understand his world around him. Through this I felt the existence of this problem among students where students suffer from concerns of self-preoccupation (cognitive interference), which called for research in this concept among university students researcher adopted the definition of Sarsen, To clarify the concept of cognitive overlap as well as to establish the theory of Sarsen in its interpretation of the concept of cognitive interference, which includes two main areas (ideas related to tasks/ ideas related to tasks), through the researcher will clarify this theory and the researcher will follow the descriptive method of selection of the sample and the selection of the appropriate tool and treatment. The researcher will come up with appropriate recommendations and suggestions and then present the sources used in this research. (Published abstract)