إستخدام استراتيجية تحليل النص لتنمية مهارات القراءة في اللغة العربية لدى تلاميذ الصف الثاني الإعدادي بطيئي التعلم


The current study aimed to develop reading skills among slow learners’ 2nd prep pupils and identify the effect of using text analysis strategy in developing these skills. The study followed the experimental approach using a semiexperimental, one-group design, the study sample formed by (33) students at “Amshool” preparatory school in “Dyroot educational administration, Asssuit governorate”. The study used the following tools to achieve the purposes of the study: a list of reading skills (14) skills, pupil's activity booklet, a teacher's guide, and a test of reading skills, and a scale of reading for among slow learners’ 2nd prep pupils. Thesis findings: the impact of the use of the text analysis strategy in developing reading skills among slow learners 2st prep pupils this was illustrated by calculating the differences between the average of the students grades on the test of reading skills as a whole, and on the main skills of it in the pre-test and post-test, and it in the pre- scale of reading and post- scale of reading the difference was statistically at the level of (0.01) in favor of the post -test, the impact of the strategy was considerable; the value of the strategy's was at (0.88), (0.87). The study recommended that the text analysis strategy should be used in teaching for different stages, and that attention should be given to develop the reading skills in all the branches of the language in order to take advantage of the study tools and materials and to employ them in the educational process, as well as other recommendations, it presented a set of proposals related to the results. (Published abstract)