السمات الشخصية المنبئة بالتفوق الدراسي لدى طلبة المرحلة الأساسية في المدارس الحكومية بمحافظة طولكرم بفلسطين من وجهة نظر المعلمين


The study aimed investigate personality traits predictors of superiority school among the students of primary stage in government schools province of Tulkarem from the point of view of teachers in light of some of the variables for teachers, for this purpose applied study tool consisting of (32) clause and distributed into four dominos: mental, and physical, social, emotional, on a sample of (228) teachers were selected at random stratified according to the variables of sex and scientific specialization (20%) of the original society's (1140) teachers. In analyzing the results the study showed: that the overall average personality traits predictors of superiority school among the students of primary stage from the viewpoint of teachers was the level of the average, while the area of mental first predictor of these features at a high level, and then came the sphere of emotional second predictor and at a high level as well, while the areas of physical and social third and fourth predictors, respectively, and the average level. On the other hand the results showed a lack of statistically significant differences in the level of personality traits predictors academic excellence among the students of primary stage due to the variables associated with the characteristics of teachers: Gender, and scientific specialization and qualification, and years of experience. (Published Abstract)