سمات المتعلم المستقل وعلاقته بسمة الكمالية لدى الطلبة الموهوبين في منطقة الباحة بالمملكة العربية السعودية

The study aimed to identify the level of the characteristics of the independent learner and the perfection of gifted students in the Al-Baha educational region, and to reveal the statistical relationship between the independent and learner attributes of gifted students. The sample of the study consisted of (110) gifted students, who were chosen in a simple random manner. The study followed the descriptive, relational approach, where a scale was developed for the characteristics of an independent learner that consisted of (15) items, and a scale for completeness consisting of (15) items was developed and its psychometric properties of Validity and Reliability were confirmed. The results resulted in a high degree of independent learner characteristics. The arithmetic average value (4.17) and an intermediate degree in the perfectionistic attribute (2.79). A statistically significant correlation relationship was found at the level of significance (0.01) between the degrees of the learner and perfectionist attributes of the gifted was (0. 86). The study recommended working on Preserving and developing the characteristics of the independent learner among gifted students through building enrichment programs, enhancing the positives of perfectionism, and guiding the gifted to get rid of the negative aspects of perfectionism. (Published Abstract)