درجة تطبيق مديري المدارس الحكومية للمساءلة الذكية وعلاقتها بالتطور المهني للمعلمين في البادية الشمالية الغربية


The current study aimed to identify the degree to which public schools’ administrators apply intelligent accountability and their relationship to the professional development of teachers in the northwestern Badia. The study was applied in the second semester 2020. A survey descriptive analytical method was used. The study community consisted of male and female teachers of public schools in The Northwestern Badia district. The study sample consisted of (574) male and female teachers, who were selected by random stratified method. The study concluded the following results: 1) The mathematical averages of the estimates of the responses of the study sample individuals to the degree of application of the principals of public schools in the Northwestern Badia Brigade for Smart Issues came with a high degree. 2) There were no statistically significant differences (α = 0.05) between the averages of school teachers' assessment of the degree of application of the principals of public schools in the Northwestern Badia District for Smart Issues due to the impact of gender variables, the educational qualification, and the presence of statistically significant differences (α = 0.05) between less than 5 years on the one hand and each of 10 - 15 years, and more than 15 years on the other hand and the differences came in favor of less than 5 years as it was found that there were statistically significant differences (α = 0.05) between 5 - 10 years and 10 - 15 years old the differences came in favor of 5 - 10 years. 3)The arithmetic means of the estimates of the responses of the sample individuals for the degree of their professional development came at a high level, where the behavioral field came in the first place, while the cognitive field came in the last rank. 4) There were no statistically significant differences (α = 0.05) in the degree of professional development of teachers in government schools in the Northwestern Badia Brigade due to the effect of the gender variable in all fields and the overall degree with the exception of the behavioral field and the differences came in favor of females, variable of qualification, and the presence of differences Statistical significance (α = 0.05) between 5 - less than 10 years on one side and each 10 - 15 years, and more than 15 years on the other, and the differences came in favor of 5 - 10 years in the professional development of teachers. 5) There is a positive relationship statistically between the degree of application of the principals of public schools in the Northwestern Badia District for smart accountability, and their relationship to the professional development of teachers in these schools. In light of the results, the researcher made the following recommendations: 1) Carrying out more studies on Smart Issues and its impact in different educational stages and environments. 2) The use of Smart Issues and its application in schools because of its impact on the exchange of trust between employees and the detection of distractions and improving performance. (Author’s abstract)