الغياب المدرسي وأثره على الشعور بالإغتراب النفسي لدى طلبة المرحلة الإبتدائية


The study aimed to identify the impact of school absenteeism on the feeling of psychological alienation among primary school students. The study used the analytical descriptive approach. The questionnaire was used as a tool for the study and applied to a sample of (58) male teachers and female teachers for the primary stage and (16) parents from the same stage. The study concluded a number of findings, most importantly, that school absenteeism affects the feeling of psychological alienation among primary school students from the viewpoint of their teachers and their parents to a great extent. Also, there are no statistically significant differences in the impact of school absenteeism on the feeling of psychological alienation among primary school students between teachers and parents. The teachers' view on the impact of school absenteeism differs from the feeling of psychological alienation among primary school students according to the years of experience in favor of teachers with more than 15 years of experience. Parents' viewpoints concerning the impact of school absenteeism on the feeling of psychological alienation among primary school students are not different according to educational level. The study recommends the need to pay attention to lectures, seminars and holding student meetings in order to achieve psychological reassurance to them, to alleviate the feeling of alienation among the students, to activate the role of parents' councils with teachers and management, exchange of information and enhance confidence between the home and the school in order to alleviate the spread of the phenomenon of absenteeism that hinder the functioning of the educational process and is one of the causes of psychological alienation among students. To conduct courses for employees concerned with psychological counseling in schools in order to activate their information and provide them with the latest educational studies and methods and art of dealing with students suffering from psychological alienation. (Published abstract)