المشكلات التي تواجه الطلبة أثناء قيامهم بمشاريع التخرج بكلية التربية في جامعة مصراتة من وجهة نظرهم

The paper aims to identify the problems encountered by students during their graduation projects, particularly in the faculty of education, Misrata University, from the perspective of students themselves. To achieve this goal, the two researchers followed the analytical descriptive approach to suit the nature of the research. It included a research community composed of all the graduation project students during the academic year 2016 /2017; 439 in total. Therefore, a random sample of 100 student-respondents was selected to represent this community. The results of the research were detailed and interpreted. The five most eminent problems are: 1) lack of sources and references related to the topic of research; 2) lack of modern books in the library of the faculty; 3) the big number of courses which hinders the completion of the research ; 4) inability of the students to integrate and express different ideas ;and 5) weak cooperation of institutions that constitute a field of research. (Published abstract)