التفاعل بين مصدر التقويم ونوعه في بيئات التعلم الإلكترونية وأثره في تنمية مهارات كتابة خطة البحث والرضا عن التقويم لدى طلاب الدراسات العليا بقسم تكنولوجيا التعليم


The goal of current research is developing knowledge and skillful sides of the writing skills of research proposal for graduate educational technology students and identifying their satisfaction degree about the electronic evaluation by E-learning environment "Moodle" using source of evaluation (Instructor, peer) and its interaction with type of evaluation (processes - product - processes and product). This research belongs to "Design based research" which includes descriptive approach and systems development approach, experimental groups consists of (36) of high studies students which were divided into six experimental groups with (6) students per experimental group, Measurement Tools were Acquisition test, Product quality card and Students’ satisfaction rate Scale about the evaluation. The Results were: 1) Instructor evaluation was better than peer evaluation in cognitive acquisition and skillful execution of the writing skills of research proposal for High studies students at the education technology department. 2) Performance-Based assessment efficacy through E-learning environments for improving the writing skills of research proposal of high studies students in education technology department. 3) The interaction between evaluation source (Instructor evaluation - peer evaluation) and its type (processes evaluation - product evaluation - processes / products evaluation) isn’t statistically significant on improving the writing skills of research proposal of high studies students in education technology department and satisfaction degree about the electronic evaluation. 4) Evaluation source (Instructor evaluation - peer evaluation) and its type (processes evaluation - product evaluation - processes/products evaluation) are efficacy in the E-learning environments on improving writing skills of research proposal for high studies students in education technology department. (Author’s abstract)