السلوك الإجتماعي الإيجابي وعلاقته بمشكلات التفكك الأسري لدى عينة من المراهقين المكفوفين وفاعلية برنامج إرشادي انتقائي لتحسينه
The study aims to identify the relationship between Positive social behavior and family disintegration problems in a sample of blind adolescents, to verify the effectiveness of a selective counseling program in improving positive social behavior blind adolescents. The main study sample consists of 100 students (male and female) in vision- disable schools with average age 16.6 years old and 0.60 standard deviations. The experimental group consists of 14 students of vision-disable institute, this sample was divided into two equal subgroups an experimental group of 7 students and another control group of 7 students. The study used Positive social behavior in blind adolescent scale, family disintegration Scale. Selective counseling program to improve positive social behavior in blind adolescents (it was established by the researcher), Study results: There is a statistically negative correlation between the sample mean scores on family disintegration scale (Divorce- khola- Separation- Abandonment) and their mean scores on positive social behavior scale at 0.01. There are significant statistically differences between the mean rank scores of the experimental and control groups in post assessment of positive social behavior scale and its dimensions after conducting the program favoring the experimental group at the level of significance 0.01. There are significant statistically differences between the mean rank scores of the experimental group in pre and post assessment of positive social behavior scale and its dimensions favoring the post assessment at the level of significance 0.05. There are no significant statistically differences between the mean rank scores of the experimental group in post assessment and follow-up of positive social behavior scale and the total score after graduation (two months). (Author’s abstract)