واقع دور مراكز التدريب المهني في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة في ظل مجتمع المعرفة بسلطنة عمان من وجهة نظر موظفي تلك المراكز


The study aims to assess the role of vocational training centers under the Ministry of Education in achieving sustainable development in Oman in light of the knowledge society, and to identify the estimates of the employees of those centers about the role of these training centers, and for the purpose of collecting data, the researcher developed a tool For the study consisted of a questionnaire aimed at assessing the reality of the role of training centers from the point of view of the staff in the training centers, the quality of the tool was verified by calculating the transactions of honesty and stability, the study was applied to a sample of employees in five training centers numbering 136 trainees in the light of gender variables Job, years of experience and scientific qualification. The study reached a number of results, including: estimates of staff at training centers on the reality of the role of vocational training centers in achieving sustainable development came with an average of (3.35) where the focus of the programs implemented in the training centers came with a high mathematical average, where the focus of the programs implemented in Training centers with a high arithmetic average of 3.6, while the arithmetic average for the second axis came the relationship of training centers to community institutions with an average mathematical average (3.1), and showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the estimates of the training center staff for the reality of the role of vocational training centers in achieving Sustainable development according to the variables of gender, scientific qualification and years of experience, while the study revealed statistically significant differences in the estimates of the staff of the training centers for the role of vocational training centers in achieving sustainable development depending on the change of function. The study recommended a few recommendations, including: activating electronic training platforms, granting training centers administrative and financial autonomy, establishing interactive training centers equipped with the latest technology, reducing centralized programs and focusing on decentralized programs in educational directorates schools, linking training centers to a unified database. (Published abstract)