فاعلية برنامج تدريبي قائم على نموذج روزنبرغ في التواصل اللاعنفي لتغيير أساليب حل النزاع لدى طلبة جامعة دمشق


The current research aims at identifying the effectiveness of a training program based on the Rosenberg model on nonviolent communication to change the conflict resolution methods used by university students. To achieve the objectives, the researcher used (Thomas Killmann Conflict Mode Instrument), which was translated into Arabic and conducted a psychometric study of the scale within the Syrian environment to verify its validity, reliability and applicability. The research sample consisted of 22 psychology students. The researcher applied the Thomas-Kellmann test before and after the training on Rosenberg's model of nonviolent communication. Results showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the pre-test and post-test in the conflict resolution methods. As for the arrangement of the use of conflict resolution methods, cooperation was ranked fourth in post-test after it was ranked fifth. Its became in order, Avoiding, Compromising Accommodating and then Collaborating and Competing. The effectiveness of training has been shown in raising the level of Collaborating and reducing the use of competing for fifth year students of psychology indicating the need for longer time and more training to produce satisfactory results with respect to changing conflict resolution methods. (Published abstract)