سياسة القبول في مؤسسات التعليم الجامعي بالمملكة العربية السعودية الواقع وسبل التطوير : دراسة تحليلية


The current study aims to recognize the reality of admission policy in Saudi universities, and to identify the most prominent trends in high school policy which may be useful for the development of admission policy to tertiary education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, the study also aims to propose a vision of acceptable university policy in the Kingdom in the light of contemporary trends in the field of university education admissions policy in some countries of the world. Specifically, the study reviewed the admission policies at universities in both the United States and the United Kingdom and Egypt. The study used both the descriptive and analytical approach. Respondents of the study included those in-charge in implementing the admission policy of the university such as deanships of Admission and Registration of universities. Initial finding of the study showed however, an unacceptable results. Among the most prominent results of the study is the existence of a significant reduction in practices that should promote the admission policy in Saudi universities. This was attributed to the nature of that policy which was not accompanied with changes in Saudi society, cultural and social structure. Therefore, the adoption of such a policy on the criteria for admission to universities are no longer sufficient nor appropriate. The study also found that the aspects of the reality of university admission policy showed a very low estimate, which means lack of suitability for the Saudi reality and the weak capacity of the admission policy in place to meet the aspirations of students and integration with national development plans. Acceptance of Saudi universities policies reflect the average level of acceptance and appropriate social, economic and cultural realities of Saudi society. The development of the university administration and the expansion of the opening of the new universities contributed reasonably to improve the quality of education policy. But this admission policy should be subject to the principle of political alignment as a responsive educational policy with social acceptance. The orientations of high school policy in support of the admission policy in Saudi institutions of higher education from the standpoint of the sample as a whole observed a very low estimate, which confirms the significant drop in practices that should rise by Saudi high school policy. This is because the policy did not match with education and admission policy in Saudi universities. The respondents as a whole agreed on the importance of the standard high school degrees and acceptance tests as a fundamental criterion for admission to universities. Overall, the study envisions a proposal to develop the admission policy in higher education in Saudi Arabia. (Published abstract)