العلاقة بين نمط عرض طبقات المعلومات بالواقع المعزز ومستوى الحاجة الى المعرفة عبر بيئات التعلم القائم على المهام في تنمية مهارات الاستشهاد المرجعي الالكتروني والقابلية للاستخدام لدى طالبات كلية التربية
This research aims to determine the relation between the display style of information layers (separated/ blended) in the augmented reality and the level of need for cognition (low/ high) through task-based learning environments in developing e-reference citation skills and usability for Faculty of Education female students. This research depends on the semi-experimental design (2x2). The research sample consists of 55 students, Faculty of Education, Jeddah University who are divided randomly into four different groups. The research has designed list of reference citation skills, observation card and usability scale. Analysis of variance (one and two) (ANOVA), and Scheffe post hoc comparison is employed to analyze data. The research comes to the conclusion that the blended display is better than the separated display, and high need for cognition is better than low need for cognition. The research also concludes that the experimental treatment (blended display+ high need for cognition) is better than other treatments. (Published abstract)