معرفة أساتذة الرياضيات للوضعية الإدماجية وعلاقتها باتجاهاتهم نحوها وفق المقاربة بالكفاءات

The present study aimed to reveal the correlation of the degree of knowledge of mathematics professors to the integrative situation with their attitudes towards it according to the competencies teaching approach at the midle education level, and by using the descriptive approach and the application of knowledge of the primary teachers integrative situation questionnaire according to the approach of teaching competencies and their attitudes towards it, prepared by Maouche Abdul Hamid (2011), on a sample of (30) middle school mathematics professors males and females in some midle schools of Bordj Bou Arreridj district. The results showed the following: 1) The presence of a statistically significant correlation between the degree of knowledge of mathematics professors to the integrative situation in accordance to the competencies approach, and their attitudes towads it. 2) The lack of statistically significant differences in the degree of knowledge of mathematics professors to the integrative situation due to the variable of sex. 3) The lack of statistically significant differences in the attitudes of mathematics professors towards integrative situation as regard to the variable of sex. (Published Abstract)