تأثير الرقابة والشفافية الإدارية في مكافحة الفساد الإداري بالمناطق التعليمية في دولة الكويت من وجهة نظر العاملين فيها


The study aimed to identify the impact of control dimensions and transparency in the anti-administrative corruption in the educational districts from the viewpoint of the employees. The study relied on a descriptive approach Correlative, and a questionnaire was applied on (270) employees. The results showed that the availability of control was big; the availability of administrative was medium; and the availability of anti-administrative corruption was big. There was a significant differences for females with the study axes; there was a significant differences qualification for diploma degree favor with the dimension of administrative transparency systems and administrative transparency; there was a significant statistical differences for the study variables with school districts; and there wasa significant differences to the dimension of administrative transparency systems in favor of a class experience (15) years and above. The degree of the impact study of dimensions of the study was high as independent variables (control, administrative transparency, anti-administrative corruption). In addition, influenced by the dependent variable (anti-administrative corruption) independent variables (control, administrative transparency) was high on the degree (.73). Finally, the study ended with some important recommendations. (Published Abstract)