أراء واتجاهات معلمي مادة التربية الإسلامية حول استخدام التقنيات التعليمية الإبداعية في تدريس طلبة المرحلة الأساسية في محافظة عمان العاصمة


This study aimed to recognize the level of availability of the creative educational techniques’ tools and programs in private schools in Amman, the degree of using them in teaching the students of primary level the Islamic education course, know the opinions and trends of Islamic education course teachers about using the creative educational techniques and its relationship with five fields which are ( what related to teacher, what related to students, and what related to the creative educational techniques’ features, what related to teaching and educational process, and what related to the class management and communication between the teacher and student). In order to achieve the study objectives, descriptive survey method is based on; a questionnaire is made based on the previous studies and the theoretical literature reviews. The study tool is composed of 131 paragraphs and divided into three parts. The study sample is chosen randomly. 230 questionnaires were distributed on the teachers of Islamic education course of the primary level in private schools in Amman. 125 questionnaires were restored and the 116 are valid for the statistical analysis. The most important results that the study finds out: availability of the creative educational techniques and tools is medium in the private schools for the primary level in Amman. The educational computer is the most available. The results show that using the educational techniques is medium for the primary level teachers in Amman; so that the interactive television is the most usable tool by teachers. The results show that teachers’ tendency is to use the creative educational techniques has a medium degree in the mentioned five fields which arranged descending as the following (teaching and educational process, teacher, students, the features of creative and educational techniques and finally the class management and communication between teacher and students), they see that using the creative and educational techniques increases the teacher’s motivation in teaching also help them in transferring the written word or uttered into visual or polyphonic material. (Author’s abstract)