دور أسس الأمن والسلامة في تطوير مهارات طالب التربية التقنية في ورشة الماكينات
The of this study was to investigate the role of principles of safety measurements in developing practical skills for technical education students in mechanical workshops, Teachers, supervisors’ and students’view points were taken. .In Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST). The study adopted a descriptive method in order to achieve its objectives. The research sample has chosen a group of (19) suitors and supervisors. who execute the technical educational programmer in department of mechanical engineering in addition to students of technical education, who were(50) department of Mechanics, (SUST), a sample has been drawn from labour Market in the field of technical education. The questionnaire has been designed than the data were collected and administered to tuitors, supervisors and students. Interviews were conducted with heads of safety departments and heads of technical departments in Sudanese company for thermal generation, directors of technical colleges. The researcher used a descriptive statistical method package for weilizmg the sciences statistical package (SPSS) for data analysis. The study has achieved at the following important results: Application of principles of safety help in overcoming the difficulties faced by students of technical education in mechanical workshops. Principles of safety measures help in developing the practical skills needed by students of technical education in mechanical workshops. The study has come up with the following recommendations: Safety measures principles should be taught as a separate course in various educational levels. All institutions should set up training centers on workplace risks. Training should be provided to tuitors and supervisors on various safetyprogrammes measures.(Published abstract)