مراكز مصادر التعلم الجامعية ودورها في الجودة الشاملة في التعليم الجامعي


Role of the Universal Learning Resources Centers in total Control of education. the study discussed this thesis in fifths chapters the first chapter beginning with introduction identify in the problem of the study its importance, questions , and targets that aimed at determined the role of the educational center rousers and its relation with comprehensive quality. This study aimed at detecting the importance of the educational center sources in developing the educational method and prominent role of that the educational center rousers can play in the comprehensive quality. The problem of the study representative in the most likely the lack of the comprehensive quality nearly in the education stage as general, beside the ignored of the educational sources institutes which become as target for developed world, as considered the diversification of the educational sources represented the short way activated the self motivated and continuous study that incentive for the creation and invention. The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach which more suitable for this types of the study, and also uses the questionnaire and interviewed. The researcher targeted his study different level of communities master degree student university teacher at faculty of education specialist educational technology the case study sample consisted of 50 student sad teacher also the researcher conducted interviewed with sample of the educational technology and comprehensive quality specialist in teaching of different universities. The researcher concluded the some importance findings as following: 1) Instruction center sources have affective role and optimum importance in developing the educational method. 2) The instruction center sources can play importance role in education method and the application of the comprehensive quality. 3) There is clear knowledge of the comprehensive quality in the universities. (Authour's abstract)