الرعاية التربوية لأطفال مرحلة ما قبل المدرسة بين الإتاحة والجودة : دراسة تحليلية


This study aimed at identifying the availability and quality of educational care for pe-school children. The study also included the general framework which is comprised of the introduction, the problem, the objectives and importance, methodology, and steps of the study. The study, moreover, included three points. The first contained the concept of educational care for pre-school children, its importance, and the main challenges facing it. The second axis included the educational aspects of care and the most important contemporary trends in the field of educational opportunity and its quality at this stage. The third axis included the reality of availability and quality in the educational care for pre-school children through the analysis of laws and documents and strategies. The fourth axis presented a proposed conception and its implementation mechanisms for the development of educational opportunities and the quality of its availability for pre-school children. (Published abstract)