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درجة مراعاة طلبة الدراسات التربوية العليا في الجامعات الفلسطينية لأخلاقيات البحث العلمي

Type Article
Author خلف الله، محمود إبراهيم. الادارة التربوية، جامعة الأقصى، غزة، فلسطين.
Second author الأغا، إياد سعدي محمد. جامعة القدس المفتوحة، فلسطين.
Varying form of title The degree of consideration of higher education studies students in Palestinian universities for the ethics of the scientific research [Article]
Pages ص ص. 119-140
Host Item Entry مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للبحوث في التعليم العالي. مج. 39، ع. 2، حزيران 2019
Electronic Location النص الكامل (PDF)  PDF
Descriptors طلاب الدراسات العليا  -  الابحاث التربوية  -  الابحاث العلمية  -  فلسطين
Language of document Arabic
Country Jordan
The study aimed at identifying the degree of taking into consideration the educational higher studies students at the Palestinian universities for the ethics of the scientific research from the perspective of academic supervisors. For the achievement of the objectives of the study, the researchers utilized the descriptive-analytical approach. The study used a questionnaire which was distributed to the sampling, (82) supervisors, in all the faculties of Education in the Palestinian universities, where the comprehensive survey was used. They study had some results; among the most important are: The degree of taking into consideration the students of educational higher studies for the ethics of conducting scientific research from the perspective of the academic supervisors was very high at (74.80%). There were statistically significant differences between the mean of the sample of the study according to the university variable for the Islamic University; while there were no differences according to 'the specialization variable'. In the light of the findings, the two researchers recommended that clear criteria be set for the identification of the ethics of scientific research and promoting them among graduate students. These criteria should be unified among the three universities (the Islamic University, Al-Azhar University and Al-Alqsa University) and the three specializations (Education Foundations, Teaching and Curriculum, and Psychology). (Published abstract)

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خلف الله، محمود إبراهيم. (2018). درجة مراعاة طلبة الدراسات التربوية العليا في الجامعات الفلسطينية لأخلاقيات البحث العلمي . مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للبحوث في التعليم العالي. مج. 39، ع. 2، حزيران 2019. ص ص. 119-140 Retrieved from