البحث المتقدم

Developing a constructively aligned learning-by-doing (LBD) model for 21st century education at HCT : UAE

النوع رسالة / أطروحة
المؤلف Frache, Ghassan.
المؤلف الاضافي Conway, Joan. Thesis Advisor
Lewis, Marian. Thesis Advisor
الصفحات I-X, 261 p.
تبصرة أطروحة PhD. Education. University of Southern Queensland. Faculty of Education. 2019. Australia. Toowoomba . T: 0061746312285. F: 0061746312893. . https://www.unisq.edu.au/about-unisq/schools-sections/academic-affairs/school-of-education
المصدر الالكتروني Full text (PDF)  PDF
الواصفات Higher Colleges of Technology (United Arab Emirate)  -  Learning strategies  -  Teaching methods  -  Practicums  -  Skill development  -  Twenty first century
لغة الوثيقة الانكليزية
البلد أستراليا
In the context of modern pedagogy, educators and academics have been placing greater emphasis on the value of Learning-By-Doing (LBD) and 21st Century Skills. This thesis presents an exploration of the existing approach to LBD practices and 21st Century Skills based on research conducted at one of the premier higher education institutions for engineering in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This thesis presents an analysis of the current understanding of LBD from the viewpoint of the institution’s leadership and faculty, in response to the overall research question: What constructively aligned Learning-By-Doing (LBD) pedagogical model, incorporating 21st Century Skills, can be developed for enhancing the teaching of engineering at HCT, UAE? It seeks to identify the LBD practices that are being successfully implemented and the 21st Century Skills that are being taught and assessed, drawing substantially from the vantage point of instructors and students. By exploring these areas in a top ranked institution in the UAE, this thesis seeks to cast a broader light on the perspectives and practices of similar universities and engineering programs in the Emirates. The study employed a mixed methods approach in which students participated in an online survey while the engineering dean and instructors took part in open-ended, semi structured interviews. The findings from the two sets of data collection activities were merged resulting in the emergence of themes, which were then used as the basis for formulating five basic principles. These principles were used to guide the development of a four-stage (Explore, Do, Reflect and Apply) LBD learning model. Rooted in the literature of Kolb, Dewey and Lewin, this LBD Model provides extensive structure and specificity for curriculum development, lesson planning, teaching and assessment of content, and professional learning, with the potential to lead an inclusive implementation of LBD practices and 21st Century Skills going forward. (Author’s abstract)

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Frache, Ghassan. (2019). Developing a constructively aligned learning-by-doing (LBD) model for 21st century education at HCT : UAE (PhD). University of Southern Queensland Faculty of Education، Australia. تم استرجاعه من search.shamaa.org .