البحث المتقدم

Teaching children about nutrition : development of the vegetable and fruit education activity (VFEA)

النوع مقال
المؤلف Husain, Wafaa. Home Economics Department, College of Basic Education, Kuwait.
المؤلف الاضافي Ashkanani, Fatemah. Home Economics Department, College of Basic Education, Kuwait.
Garduño-Diaz, Sara D. Nutrition Consultant at Your Choice Nutrition, Kuwait.
Khokhar, Santosh. School of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Leeds, UK.
متغيرات العنوان تدريس الأطفال التغذية :تصميم نشاط تعليمي لتدريس الخضراوات والفواكه [مقال]
الصفحات pp. 417-433
المصدر Research Journal of Specific Education. no. 38, April 2015
المصدر الالكتروني Full text (PDF)  PDF
الواصفات Physical health  -  Health activities  -  Nutrition education  -  Primary school students  -  United Kingdom
لغة الوثيقة الانكليزية
البلد مصر
Public health campaigns are focused on promoting increased vegetable and fruit (VF) consumption due to their association with health. Although the number of suggested portions is generally known to children in the UK, knowledge of what counts and what doesn’t count as a portion of these foods is not clear. We aimed to develop and test a succinct intervention about what constitutes a portion of VF. This study used the following methods: A succinct (45min.) teaching intervention regarding VF portion sizes; including pre- and post-evaluations though a structured questionnaire, demonstrations with real-life models and hands-on examination of portions, oral communications and active engagement in the form of entertainment, was carried out with boys and girls (7-9 years, n=80) in various primary schools in Leeds. Activities included a question and answer session and individual and group competitions to confirm acquired knowledge. The main results are: Initial knowledge was acceptable, with 85% of them being aware of the UK recommendations from the 5-a-day program. Knowledge of portion sizes was minimal with only 2% of the participants being able to correctly identify the corresponding portion sizes of apples, juice, grapes, peas and broccoli. The acquired knowledge from the teaching intervention was statistically significant (p=.000). Previous knowledge was higher among girls (86% vs. 84% respectively) and acquired knowledge among boys (93% vs. 88% respectively) although gender differences were not significant. Conclusions: A succinct teaching intervention might be a feasible way to increase knowledge of VF portion sizes among primary school aged children. (Published abstract)

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Husain, Wafaa. (2015). Teaching children about nutrition : development of the vegetable and fruit education activity (VFEA). Research Journal of Specific Education. no. 38, April 2015. pp. 417-433 تم استرجاعه من search.shamaa.org .