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Followership styles and their relationship with leadership styles of academic leaders as perceived by faculty members at universities of northern Jordan

Type Article
Author Bani Essa, Eman. Yarmouk University, Jordan.
Second author Alattari, Aref. Yarmouk University, Jordan.
Varying form of title أنماط سلوك المرؤوسين وعلاقتها بأنماط السلوك القيادي للقادة الأكاديميين كما يدركها أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في جامعات شمال الأردن [مقال]
Pages pp. 117-128
Host Item Entry Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences. Vol. 16, no. 1, March 2020
General Note This article has been published in Arabic in The Islamic University Journal of Educational and Psychology Studies: Vol. 27, no. 5, September 2019
Electronic Location Full text (PDF)  PDF
Descriptors Behaviour  -  Administrators  -  Leadership  -  Team leaders (teaching)  -  Educational trends  -  Academic teaching personnel  -  Universities  -  Jordan
Language of document English
Country Jordan
This study aimed at identifying patterns of the followership styles and their relation to the leadership styles of academic leaders as perceived by faculty members in public and private universities in northern Jordan. The researchers used the descriptive correlational approach. The Kelley’s scale was adopted for the followership styles and stellar’ leadership scale for leadership styles. The study instruments were administered to a stratified random sample of 304 faculty members (Yarmouk, Just, Al-Bayt, Philadelphia, Ajloun Private University, Jerash Private University and Irbid Private University). The validity and reliability of the study tools were verified. Chi-square goodness of fit was used to correlate followers’ observation frequencies of conduct with the expected frequencies, and so it was for leaders’ frequencies conduct. The results showed that the exemplary followership style was the most observed, followed by the pragmatic style, whereas the alienated and the passive style came last. The results showed that the most prevalent leadership style is the empowering style, followed by the democratic, whereas the autocratic came last. Study results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the styles of leadership and those of followership. (Published abstract)

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Bani Essa, Eman. (2020). Followership styles and their relationship with leadership styles of academic leaders as perceived by faculty members at universities of northern Jordan . Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences. Vol. 16, no. 1, March 2020. pp. 117-128 Retrieved from