البحث المتقدم

The effectiveness of life skills program in enhancing students life satisfaction and self-efficacy among female students in Al Majmaah University

النوع مقال
المؤلف Abu Warda, Mona Hamid Mohammed. Al Majmaah University
الصفحات pp. 29-53
المصدر Journal of Research in Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Technology. Vol. 6, no. 1, January 2020
المصدر الالكتروني Full text (PDF)  PDF
الواصفات Majmaah University (Saudi Arabia)  -  Efficiency  -  Life skills  -  Self evaluation  -  University students  -  Girls
لغة الوثيقة الانكليزية
البلد مصر
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of Life Skills Training program on life satisfaction and self-efficacy of female university students. The sample size is 60 female students at Al Majmaah University held in 12 sessions of 2 hours in the training of campus space. Pretest-posttest design with no control group was employed. Participants answered to the satisfaction of life Questionnaire (SWLS) before and after they received the LST program. Data were analyzed by t-test for dependent groups and covariance method. The results showed that there were significant effectiveness of the LST program on life satisfaction and self-efficacy of female students who benefit more from the program. According to this study, life skills training can be useful to increase life satisfaction and self-efficacy of students. (Published abstract)

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Abu Warda, Mona Hamid Mohammed. (2020). The effectiveness of life skills program in enhancing students life satisfaction and self-efficacy among female students in Al Majmaah University . Journal of Research in Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Technology. Vol. 6, no. 1, January 2020. pp. 29-53 تم استرجاعه من search.shamaa.org .