البحث المتقدم

نمط الإدارة التربوية لمشرفي التربية الخاصة من وجهة نظر الهيئات التعليمية في مديريات تربية بغداد

النوع مقال
المؤلف محمد، نجية إبراهيم. المديرية العامة للمناهج، وزارة التربية
متغيرات العنوان The style of educational management for special education supervisors from the viewpoint of educational institutions in the directorates of education in Baghdad [Article]
الصفحات ص ص. 267-293
المصدر مجلة الفتح. ع. 82، حزيران 2020
المصدر الالكتروني النص الكامل (PDF)  PDF
الواصفات الادارة التربوية  -  المشرفون  -  التربية الخاصة  -  وكالات التربية في المقاطعات  -  بغداد (العراق)
لغة الوثيقة العربية
البلد العراق
The educational supervisor is an effective tool that contributes to the development of the work of the school principal and his teachers, from the point of view of integrating the prominent roles that educational supervision plays to activate what is expected of him to develop the school work. As one of the first duties of the educational supervisor is to improve the performance of teachers, and strive to achieve everything that would facilitate their work and educational tasks, to upgrade them to a distinct level in the educational process, as well as providing everything that leads to the success of the teacher's tasks In order to know the most important administrative characteristics of special education supervisors in Baghdad, the researcher built a measure of the educational management patterns in supervision, which after conducting Validity and Stability transactions of (18) items. After analyzing the answers of the special education teachers on the metric areas included (authoritarian, democratic, diplomatic, and passive) the results showed the following: 1) One of the most important characteristics of educational administration for special education supervisors among the schools of special education in Baghdad is passive management, and then democratic management follows, but as for diplomatic management, it has not had a clear impact among supervisors, just as the authoritarian administration did not have its appearance among supervisors of special education. 2) There is an effect of gender in revealing the existence of administrative characteristics represented by (authoritarian and diplomatic) between supervisors of special education, and in favor of males, while sex had no effect in revealing the administrative characteristics of (democracy and negativity) among supervisors of special education. The researcher also presented a set of recommendations and Suggestions., as following: Recommendations: 1) The researcher recommends holding seminars and conferences to introduce special education supervisors to the importance of relying on the administrative characteristics used in organizing and improving the learning and teaching process within special education schools. 2) The researcher also recommends the need to work on designing a guide for special education supervisors to identify the most important advantages enjoyed by each type of educational administration to benefit from them while performing their role as supervisors. 3) Benefiting from the results of the current research, especially the research scale, to benefit from it in revealing some administrative characteristics of special education supervisors in particular, and education supervisors in general. Suggestions: 1) Building an indicative program to improve the style of authoritarian management for special education supervisors. 2) Conducting a study aimed at revealing the correlation between the patterns of educational administration for special education supervisors and job satisfaction. 3) Conducting a study aimed at revealing the relationship of the diplomatic style with special education supervisors and methods of thinking. (Published abstract)

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محمد، نجية إبراهيم. (2020). نمط الإدارة التربوية لمشرفي التربية الخاصة من وجهة نظر الهيئات التعليمية في مديريات تربية بغداد . مجلة الفتح. ع. 82، حزيران 2020. ص ص. 267-293 تم استرجاعه من search.shamaa.org .