البحث المتقدم

أسباب الضعف القرائي لدى طلاب الصفوف الثلاثة الأولى من وجهة نظر المعلمات في لواء الأغوار الجنوبية

النوع مقال
المؤلف الخليفات، علي سلامه داود. وزارة التربية والتعليم، الأردن
المؤلف الاضافي الخليفات، أنوار عيسى سلامه. وزارة التربية والتعليم، الأردن.
متغيرات العنوان Reading weakness factors among the three basic grades pupils from south Ghours district female teachers’ point of view [Article]
الصفحات ص ص. 44-61
المصدر مجلة العلوم التربوية والنفسية. مج. 4، ع. 9، مارس 2020
المصدر الالكتروني النص الكامل (PDF)  PDF
الواصفات صعوبات القراءة  -  طلاب المدارس الابتدائية  -  اتجاهات المعلمين  -  المعلمات  -  الأغوار الجنوبية (الأردن: لواء)
لغة الوثيقة العربية
البلد فلسطين
This study aimed at identifying the reasons for the low level of the first three basic grades pupils in the basic skills of reading from the point of view of the female teachers in the southern Ghor district as well as the relationship of that with some variables. The researchers developed the study tool that consisted of (37) items distributed to four domains; the validity and reliability of the study tool were verified. The study sample consisted of (44) female teachers from those who teach the first three basic grades using the analytical descriptive method. The study results showed that the estimations of the teachers regarding the reasons for the low level of the first three basic grades pupils in the basic skills of reading in the southern Ghor district were of a high degree. The reasons relating to the family were in the first place, followed by the reasons relating to the educational environment, then the reasons relating to the pupils and finally, the reasons relating to the teacher. The results showed that there are no statistically significant differences at (α≤ 0.05), regarding the teachers’ estimations for the reasons of the low level of the first three basic grades pupils in the basic skills of reading in the southern Ghor district, attributed to the years of experience as well as educational qualification. The results showed that there are statistically significant differences regarding the educational setting in favor of the educational qualification of the bachelor’s degree. In the light of the results, the study recommended about holding training courses for the teachers of the first three basic grades in order to give them training regarding the methods of dealing with this weakness in the reading skills among the students. The study also recommended about the necessity of activating the role of the educational supervisor in attending many classes in order to identify the real reasons for of the low level for the skills of reading among the students and dealing with that. (Published abstract)

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Cite   للمزيد من الدقة يرجى التأكد من أسلوب صياغة المرجع وإجراء التعديلات اللازمة قبل استخدام أسلوب (APA) :
الخليفات، علي سلامه داود. (2020). أسباب الضعف القرائي لدى طلاب الصفوف الثلاثة الأولى من وجهة نظر المعلمات في لواء الأغوار الجنوبية . مجلة العلوم التربوية والنفسية. مج. 4، ع. 9، مارس 2020. ص ص. 44-61 تم استرجاعه من search.shamaa.org .