البحث المتقدم

The reality of organizational resilience in the Palestinian Ministry of Education and higher education in southern governorates

النوع مقال
المؤلف Abudagga, Bassem Y. Al-Azhar University, Gaza
المؤلف الاضافي Alasttal, Fady K. Al-Azhar University, Gaza.
الصفحات pp. 999-1024
المصدر Journal of Al-Azhar University : Humanities. Vol. 20, Special no. C, Decmeber 2018
المصدر الالكتروني Full text (PDF)  PDF
الواصفات Ministry of Education  -  Educational organization  -  Resilience  -  Higher education  -  Palestine
لغة الوثيقة الانكليزية
البلد فلسطين
This study aimed to identify the reality of organizational resilience in the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education in the Southern Governorates. In order to achieve the study objectives, the researchers adopted the analytical descriptive methodology. The questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting data. The study population represented (384) employees, and a random sample of stratified representative of the study population was taken according to the job title. (220) questionnaires were distributed and (196) valid questionnaires were received for statistical analysis. The study found that the availability of the organizational resilience in the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education in the Southern Governorates was moderate (% 66.46). The study finds that there is a high degree of “Resilience ethos” dimension in the ministry (% 69.81). While the other three dimensions were available in a moderate degree, wherever the situation awareness gained % 65.09, and the Management of keystone vulnerabilities gained % 66.6, and the Adaptive capacity dimension gained % 64.35. The study also found that there were statistically significant differences between the responses of the respondents to the status of organizational resilience in the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education in the southern governorates due to the gender in favour of females. Also there is a statistical differences between respondents' attributed to the scientific qualification into favour of the holders of diploma degree and less, and the absence of statistically significant differences between the answers of the respondents due age, job title, and years of experience. The study recommended strengthening the organizational resilience of the ministry through spreading the culture of learning from mistakes, and staff training to reduce the time required to return to normal work after any crisis, with attention to the planning process and especially the financial planning to provide adequate funds' reserve for any emergency. To simulate any emergency circumstances that may face the ministry in the future, with the need to increase the degree of authorization to take decisions and adopt modern concepts such as administrative empowerment. (Published abstract)

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Abudagga, Bassem Y. . (2018). The reality of organizational resilience in the Palestinian Ministry of Education and higher education in southern governorates . Journal of Al-Azhar University : Humanities. Vol. 20, Special no. C, Decmeber 2018. pp. 999-1024 تم استرجاعه من search.shamaa.org .