البحث المتقدم

Higher-education relevance in post-war Syria

النوع فصل
المؤلف Mourtada, Hani. Damascus University, Damascus, Syria.
الصفحات pp. 353-362
المصدر Major challenges facing higher education in the Arab world : quality assurance and relevance
الواصفات Higher education  -  Educational quality  -  Quality assurance  -  University role  -  War  -  Post-conflict societies  -  Syria
لغة الوثيقة الانكليزية
البلد سويسرا
This chapter aims to provide an overview of social relevance in the higher-education system in post-war and reconstruction Syria. A synoptic literature review is given on the evolution of Relevance in higher education. The review includes foundational documents issued by the European Commission, World Bank, and the Syrian Ministry of Higher Education. A critical analysis ensues on what was done in Syria during the pre-war years. Next, an overview is given of possible venues of effecting social and economic relevance in the prospective post-war era in Syria. This includes a summary of the possible intervention paths and methods, and the need for viable and sustainable connections between universities, state polices, and social needs. Defining the parameters of relevance in reconstruction Syria will include suggestions on enabling the higher-education system to be not simply a producer of graduates well-equipped for the future job market(s), but also as an incubator of relevant research and business ventures. A dynamic, relevant and quality-assured higher-education system in Syria is a powerful tool for the success of the reconstruction process. (Author’s abstract)

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Mourtada, Hani. (2019). Higher-education relevance in post-war Syria . In Major challenges facing higher education in the Arab world : quality assurance and relevance. (pp. 353-362 ). تم استرجاعه من search.shamaa.org .