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The effectiveness of mind mapping technique for developing reading skills in EFL preparatory school stage

Type Article
Document no. 119766
Author Sheir, Awatef Ali. Curriculum& Instruction of English, Institute of Educational Studies, Cairo University
Second author Mustafa, Yasser Abdul Fattah. Centre for Curriculum & Instructional Materials Development (CCIMD.
Abdullah, Heba Mustafa. Curriculum & Instruction of English, Faculty of Graduate Studies for Education Cairo University.
Pages pp. 1-28
Host Item Entry مجلة العلوم التربوية. مج. 24، ع. 3، ج. 3، يوليو 2016
Electronic Location Full Text (PDF)  PDF
Descriptors Efficiency  -  Conceptual schemes  -  Skill development  -  Reading development  -  Secondary school students  -  Thinking skills  -  English  -  Modern language instruction
Language of document English
Country Egypt

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Sheir, Awatef Ali.. (2016). The effectiveness of mind mapping technique for developing reading skills in EFL preparatory school stage . مجلة العلوم التربوية. مج. 24، ع. 3، ج. 3، يوليو 2016. pp. 1-28 Retrieved from