البحث المتقدم

الإنهاك النفسي وعلاقته بالإلتزام التنظيمي والحوافز لدى معلمات رياض الأطفال

النوع مقال
رقم الوثيقة 117729
المؤلف محمود، ضحى عادل. كلية التربية للبنات، جامعة بغداد
المؤلف الاضافي الوائلي، جميلة رحيم عبد. كلية التربية للبنات، جامعة بغداد.
متغيرات العنوان Psychological exhaustion and its relationship with organizational commitment and incentives for kindergarten teachers [Article]
الصفحات ص ص. 195-233
المصدر مجلة الفتح. مج. 12، ع. 66، 2016
المصدر الالكتروني النص الكامل (PDF)  PDF
الواصفات الارهاق النفسي  -  التنظيم الاداري  -  الحوافز  -  دافعية المعلمين  -  رياض الاطفال
لغة الوثيقة العربية
البلد العراق
The psychological exhaustion is a serious problem which its impact might extend to a lack of the teacher’s efficiency and its withdrawal from her work, then she ask for early retirement, and if she continued her work , her work will be routinely with the kindergartens’ children. The organizational commitment one of the most common reasons that lead to the injury of the kindergarten teacher with the psychological exhaustion as a result of psychological stress experienced by the teacher through her work, especially when she is trying to demission's over her capability or she can’t achieve them on time and among these pressures is preparing a lesson plan, and participating in committees and training children on the system, cleanness, nutrition and others .. (Al-Mashaan 209:2000:). Incentives have an important role in the falling or prevention the teacher from falling into the psychological exhaustion, wherein Mohamed Ghoneim (1996) said it is one of the solutions in which they can overcome the effects of pressures which the teacher of kindergartens encounters, the incentives raise the morale soul and productivity of her the through the presented support by the administration and coworkers (Ghoneim, 5: 1996). The goal of current research knows: 1) Psychological exhaustion among kindergarten teachers. 2) Organizational commitment of kindergarten teachers. 3) Incentives of kindergartens teachers. 4) The relationship between psychological exhaustion an organizational commitment of the kindergartens teachers. 5) The relationship between psychological exhaustion and incentives of kindergartens teachers. 6) The relationship between organizational commitment and incentives of kindergartens teachers. 7) The relationship between psychological exhaustion and organizational commitment and incentives of kindergartens teachers. The current research sample reached (400) teachers of kindergartens teachers which one of the six Education Directorates in the city of Baghdad, where the sample was selected randomly from 171 kindergartens and with ratio (5%) from the original sample from the analysis of kindergartens teachers responses and the knowledge of the literature and previous studies, and then reaching to prepare items of psychological exhaustion measure which is consisting of (34) items and preparing items of organizational commitment measure of the kindergartens teachers consisting of (53) items and preparing a neighborhood measure of the kindergarten teachers consisting of (36) items. The results showed that there was psychological exhaustion the kindergartens teachers suffering from, and the existence of the kindergartens teachers ,as the results showed the kindergartens teachers owning material and moral incentives and existence of a weak positive relationship between psychological exhaustion and incentives. This means that the relationship is weak, may be for some teachers a relationship between the effort that they make with the incentives and some teachers don’t find a relationship between effort and incentives. The results also showed a weak positive relationship between organizational commitment and incentives, this means that the relationship is weak, may be for some teachers a relationship between organizational commitment and incentives and some teachers there is no relationship between their commitment and incentives. The result of the latter goal showed the presence of contribution between organizational commitment in psychological exhaustion variable but there is no relationship between the incentives in psychological exhaustion variable. In light of these findings the researchers put some appropriate recommendations and proposals. (Published Abstract)

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محمود، ضحى عادل.. (2016). الإنهاك النفسي وعلاقته بالإلتزام التنظيمي والحوافز لدى معلمات رياض الأطفال . مجلة الفتح. مج. 12، ع. 66، 2016. ص ص. 195-233 تم استرجاعه من search.shamaa.org .