البحث المتقدم

فاعلية برنامج تدريبي لتنمية الكفاءة الوظيفية لدى عينة من العاملين بمجال الإرشاد الطلابي بمدينة حائل

النوع مقال
المؤلف جودة، يسرى محمد أبو العينين. كلية التربية، جامعة حائل
الصفحات ص ص. 907-930
المصدر مجلة كلية التربية الأساسية. مج. 24، ع. 101 إنساني، 2018
المصدر الالكتروني النص الكامل (PDF)  PDF
الواصفات الفعالية  -  برامج التدريب  -  تنمية المهارات  -  التطوير المهني  -  المرشدون  -  الارشاد التربوي  -  الطلاب  -  حائل (السعودية)
لغة الوثيقة العربية
البلد العراق
The aims : the objective of the present research is to develop the functional efficiency of a sample of student guides. The importance of the research to the field of student guidance is important to the education system in the kingdom. The study aimed to monitor the reality of student guides and the degree of their training needs in order to improve their performance and efficiency according to scientific principles and practical strategies enabling them to develop their skills and overcome their weaknesses the method:-the researcher follows in this study the experimental method the tools: - a set of questionnaires and training programs are designed to identify weaknesses and strengths to support of the staff in the field of student guidance including: - questionnaire of functional efficiency. (prepared by the researcher) - a form to determine the theoretical and training needs in the professional field. (prepared by the researcher) - training programs to improve the functional efficiency of the student guides(prepared by the researcher). The results: - upon the results of this study the appropriate programs and training courses are determined to improve develop the functional efficiency of the staff in the field of student guidance, as there are significant differences at a level ranging between 0.05 and 0.001 between the degrees of the two per and post applications of functional efficiency questionnaire for the post application , and also there are significant differences between the pre and post applications of training needs form for the pre application as the degree of needs after the application of the training program are decreased, and the results showed there are no significant differences of professional competence and training needs due to the variable sex (male - female) or educational level variable. (Published Abstract)

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Cite   للمزيد من الدقة يرجى التأكد من أسلوب صياغة المرجع وإجراء التعديلات اللازمة قبل استخدام أسلوب (APA) :
جودة، يسرى محمد أبو العينين. (2018). فاعلية برنامج تدريبي لتنمية الكفاءة الوظيفية لدى عينة من العاملين بمجال الإرشاد الطلابي بمدينة حائل . مجلة كلية التربية الأساسية. مج. 24، ع. 101 إنساني، 2018. ص ص. 907-930 تم استرجاعه من search.shamaa.org .