AU - Al Khatib, Hayat AB - Education in the twenty-first century is underpinned by theories of inclusion and practices of open and distance learning (Aldrich, 2003; Richards, 2004). New concerns are replacing the traditional views on the impossibility of integrating pedagogy and technology (Barab et al, 2004; Roblyer et al, 2000). Supporting learning in the digital age looks at devising innovative methods to utilize ICT in education for maximalist inclusion of learners accompanied by a reformed pedagogy that frames quality in the learning activity by raising the interest and involvement of the student in dialogic learner centred approaches. (Salmon, 2002; Sandholtz et al, 2002). The role of ICT in the learning process has been overwhelmingly complementary and limited (Barab et al., 2000; Cope et al, 2000). ICT skills are either taught in vacuum without establishing relevance to learners' contexts or as add-on activities instructed by the teacher in the classroom (Cuban, 2001, Thomas et al, 2002). Laurillard (2002), Loveless et al (2001), Gee (2003) and Kimber (2003) provide skeptical evaluation of the employment of ICT in education and point out that despite its wider aim at inclusion, the pedagogy associated with the practice reflected the transmission model that alienated the learner and did not bring about the desired engagement. A pilot study was conducted at AOU-Lebanon, experimenting with senior students embarking on project work in two English language courses E300 and E303. Project themes were selected by the students from the macro categories proposed in the curriculum, in relation to the learners' contexts, professions and interests. ICT supported dialogic models of conferencing were utilized where theme based forums required exchanging information and receiving peer feedback. Student groups were involved in developing their specific forums and folders containing project resources, web quests, theory, frameworks, methodology, surveys, workshops, data and glossaries. Forums were accessed for monitoring by the tutor at identified intervals to conform to project calendar of events and tasks. The summary presentations of the groups reflected the commitment of the learners to interactive ICT supported learning in project work and the authentic involvement in research topics of relevance to their contexts. Tutorials reviewing learners' practices and reflection modes revealed holistic tackling of the projects and improved standards of learning brought about by the integration of technology in pedagogy. Kress (2003) and Jonassen (2000) argue that effective multimodal literacy learning needs to be grounded in everyday practices and contexts of the learners. Instead of instructional pedagogy involving ICT supported learning ICT integration requires new models that ground processes and cycles in the context of the learners and their experiences in a practice-reflection duality in the learning process, committing the learner to a dialogical, applied and enquiry-based project in the pursuit of learning excellence (Richards, 2001 and 2003). Reformed pedagogy need to promote engaging learners in interesting and authentic contexts framed in project-based ICT supported modules integrating pretexts for learning across the curriculum. Web forums and conferencing as well as internet resources and e-mails are utilized to support integrated applied learning and exploration in realizing active learning in the digital age. (ERIC: As Provided) ID - 22610 PB - Hungary European Distance and E-Learning Network 2009 PP - Hungary European Distance and E-Learning Network 2009 SN - 10275207 T1 - How has pedagogy changed in a digital age ? [Article] YR - Hungary European Distance and E-Learning Network 2009